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Winter residentials are brilliant residentials!

Here at SOLD, we're passionate about organising amazing residential trips for schools in London, which is why we proudly support Learning Away's hugely successful campaign #BrilliantResidentials, and is why we'll also be supporting its extension, #WinterResidentials! We firmly believe that outdoor learning can be beneficial year-round, and this goes for residentials too - in fact, winter residentials may be even more advantageous than ones in the summer! Here's why:


Many residentials take place in the spring or summer terms, but organising them to take place in autumn or winter may actually be the best choice, as it sets children up for the rest of the year; the benefits will be seen across the following weeks and months in class, which can then be reinforced and nurtured, rather than decaying over summer holidays! Children come to class motivated, ready to learn, and with increased confidence to contribute in class as well as ask for help - you can see why this would be valuable at the start of the school year as opposed to the end!

Winter residentials will also foster or develop bonds for the upcoming year, rather than strengthening ties with teachers (and classmates) who pupils will be saying goodbye to shortly. Residentials result in improved relationships, rapport, and understanding; students are more likely to respect teachers, and teachers can learn how best to help children and find out what they respond to best, which all helps on the road to improved attainment.

Variety and change

Shorter days mean that more activities (such as astronomy, campfires and night walks) can be undertaken at night, which is something that children may not usually experience - this can add a whole new dimension to residentials! Different wildlife can be seen during winter and in the evenings, giving children the chance to see them in greater detail during residential activities as well as opening up further learning opportunities.

Affordability and inclusivity

Autumn and winter residentials usually cost less (or can be organised at a discount) saving the school money and making the trip more affordable for pupils from all backgrounds. Making such advantageous trips more inclusive ensures that all children have the chance to experience brilliant residentials and benefit from them the following year.

If you want to see the above benefits amongst your students and are looking for places to book residential trips for schools in London then Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD) are here for you! Contact us today to help plan your ideal winter residential that can be perfectly integrated into your curriculum - simply call us on 01372 378901 or email

For more information about #WinterResidentials, please take a look at Learning Away's Winter Residentials information.