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Outdoor activities at your school


  • archery offers a steep learning curve allowing an individual to work on improving self-confidence, concentration and target setting
  • this activity is accessible to all depending on grounds available.


  • with our mobile climbing tower on your site, we offer young people the chance to be part of a climbing team; helping with the safety rope (belaying) and climbing
  • great for confidence, teamwork, communication and trust
  • our qualified staff will lead the session and provide all the necessary safety equipment.


  • our staff will help map (possibly with your young people) an orienteering course on your site
  • starting with games to teach basic map skills such as map orientation, legend symbols, handrails and landmarks then moving on to a completing an orienteering course. It is more than just running around looking for markers!
  • good for teamwork, communication, independence and time management.

Problem solving

  • individual icebreakers and team tasks facilitated around the 'Plan, Do, Review' model; to get as much experiential learning from the challenges as possible
  • fantastic for teamwork, team roles, problem solving skills, leadership and cognitive thinking.

Woodland activities

  • we will lead an informative session on how to make a fire using natural materials with the minimum impact on the environment. An opportunity to safely build, light, maintain and extinguish a small fire in groups and time permitting toast marshmallows, boil water in a Kelly kettle or cook a whole meal
  • good for planning, risk awareness and management, teamwork and communication.