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Bell tents and teepee Villages at High Ashurst

High Ashurst school residential accommodation n surrey

Thank you for your interest in our bell tents and teepee villages at High Ashurst. To help you plan for your group visit, please find below some information that might help.

Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the SOLD Business Support Team at

School trips, residentials and groups booking process

We have collated this information to help you through the process but please contact the booking team with any questions that remain unanswered.

What is available?

We have two villages which are set in a tranquil area of High Ashurst Outdoor Activity Centre, surrounded by trees.

The two villages can accommodate a total of: 12 adults and 128 young adults.

Each village has a total of 10 accommodation teepees:

  • 2 leader tents with 3 beds (6 adults)
  • 8 people bell tents for 8 young people (64 young people)
  • 1 communal tent for meeting with seating, mains power, a fridge and kettle.
  • A shelter for group activities and socialising

And each teepee village has:

  • A marquee (blue, red in the illustration below) for group activities, socialising and a campfire.
  • A large group teepee with seating, mains power, a fridge and kettle.

Bell tents illustration of High Ashurst accommodation for school residentials

Leader teepees

Have solar powered lighting. If you need to charge any devices it is best done in the large group teepee where it is straight off of the mains.

Adult toilets are located at the main centre and include the individual disabled toilet and shower attached to the Grand Hall main building and accessed externally. At night you will need a torch!

Young people teepee

Guests should bring sleeping bags, pillow, extra blankets and a roll mat.

Young people's toilets are within sight of the villages and open all day and night. Bring a torch, they will still need it at night!

Access and site rules

  • Access to the teepee is available from 4.30pm and it must be vacated by 9.30am. Luggage can be safely stored out of these hours
  • Outdoor shoes must not be worn inside the teepee
  • No smoking or alcohol policy for the entire centre including inside teepee
  • Please supervise your children at all times
  • Please pre plan your sleeping allocation before you arrive, taking into account gender splits.

Summary camping kit list:

  • Teachers and adults
    • sleeping bag
    • extra blankets if required
    • pillows if required
    • torch
  • Young People
    • sleeping bag
    • pillow
    • blanket if required
    • roll mat
    • torch