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Work Experience

Are you looking for a work experience placement?

Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development is committed to offering a range of high quality placement opportunities to young people and adults currently in education.

The placements are well structured and designed to meet the specific learning outcomes of the individual, to support their areas of interest, complement their curriculum and develop the key competencies that will maximise their employability.

We will consider placements in the following areas:

  • Outdoor education worker - working beside our instructors, assisting in running outdoor activity sessions for our visitors. (Thames Young Mariners is only able to offer a limited offer of work experience opportunities due to our operating requirements. Therefore, please be advised that we can only accept students at Thames Young Mariner in Higher Education or in special circumstances or outside of our busy periods).
  • Catering and domestic worker - assisting with preparation and serving of food and the cleaning of the residential facilities.
  • Maintenance worker - assisting in the grounds and general maintenance of the facilities.

Placements are available at all our centres.

If you are interested in applying for work experience please download our work experience application form and return it to

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